★We are always buying bars and fancy stained glass windows!★

We are One of the Largest Bar Dealers in America

Our inventory is widely varied, so whether you are looking for a pub bar for your home or that historical saloon bar for your business, we likely have the perfect bar that suits your taste. Most of our fantastic fixtures are pictured here, but there is a chance that we haven't been able to post something. Please don't hesitate to call us at 770-640-4604 to inquire about a specific need. Also, make sure to keep checking back because new inventory arrives every day. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Red Baron Offers the Highest Quality, Most Rare Antiques!

We are proud to offer you, our valued clients, the highest quality antiques, pub bars, rare collectibles, classic cars, most unique vehicles, architectural accents of grandeur and exquisite stained glass windows. Come visit our showroom anytime! At Red Baron Antiques, you have a perfect opportunity to invest in history!